I frequently have to be at construction sites and sometimes I don't pack a field appropriate lunch, but bringing along this snack helps keep the hunger at bay. The variety of flavors keeps it interesting. Currently, I'm loving the lemony one, and find the chili lime very addictive. I like that there is no excess fluid in the pouches and that the unopened pouch is shelf stable. I became acquainted with the brand through purchasing the hummus. Standard chickpea hummus gave me bloating issues. Brami lupini bean hummus didn't do that to me.
Wonderful way to get in extra protein and fiber! They are so easy to pack in my lunch and I think they are a great way to start a meal.
I LOVE THIS PASTA! I'm having a hard time not eating it every single day. My body loves it and my soul loves it even more. Please launch in Europe so I can stop filling my entire suitcase when I fly back! No other protein pasta even comes close to the texture and taste, wow.